Sunday, September 13, 2015

Report Your Find

I've added a page where people can add a comment to report their own finds.  Please make sure to read all my notes.  Since this is a blog, I am not sure if their is a way to "thread" comments if it is the same chip. This will be a work in progress, for sure.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

FIND: El Rancho Rio Khoury's $25

Here is a pic i found in my Ebay file.  96 of the Khoury's El Rancho Rio $25 black chip on the H mold.  These were R10 in C&W. Ebay auction was dated 6-29-13.

Here's a posted comment from David Spragg on these chips on the Chip Board on 6-3-15:

"Here is an example though where your info could mislead without clarification.
I purchased the El Rancho Khoury's chips. What the picture doesn't show you is that there is virtually no hotstamp on the 75 chips still in the box. Also, a couple of the ones shown are in poor condition. 78 of the chips were donated to Nevada Historical Society. One chip was broken in pieces in the original transit. Only 17 chips survive.
Without that info anyone would think all 96 are in 'circulation'. That has a negative impact on chip values which ultimately flows through to all chips. Disclosing finds etc. without caveats can cause damage to the hobby, not the opposite."

Pic from the Chip Guide.  $25 hot stamp is on the Back.

FIND: Thunderbird $1 ncv

I also found this in my old ebay pics.  There was an ebay auction back in 11-17-13 for 180 of these Thunderbird $5 no cash value chips.  These were R9 in C&W.  Too bad I bought mine a few years earlier!

here is a pic from that auction:

This is what the chip looks like (from the Chip Guilde): 

FIND: San Souci Card Room Chips 25c 50c $1

This was an old one I guess i should list.  As found and reported by Doug Smith on 1-8-14 on the chip board, the was a find of the Sans Souci Card Room chips $1- 98, 50c - 97, 25c 100.  The 50c and $1 chips were previously R10 in C&W.  I actually bought a set from Doug.  They were very nice!  I love the C&J mold and the hotstamp.

Here is the post:

Here is a pic from that post.

POSSIBLE FIND: Dopey Norman's $1

Possible find for Dopey Norman $1 arodie chip from Lake Tahoe.   There was a post on the Chipboard related to this chip and the poster was asking about the value originally claiming he had a quantity of 50, but then it changed it to only 1!   You will need to be your own judge about this.  The $1 arodie was not listed in C&W.  Here is the link to the post on the chipboard from 12-30-14:

Here is a pic of the chip from the Chip Guide:

FIND: Lyon's Hotel 25c, $5, $25,

There was a post on the Chip Board alerting everyone to a large lot of Lyon's Hotel chips from Yerington, Nevada, sold on ebay.  The chips are on the small key mold and have a hot stamp of DSN for the owner, Don S. Neighbors.  The black 25c (101 found), the beige $5 (101 found) were both R10s, the red $5 (288) and the $25 maroon chips were not listed in C&W.

 Here is the link to the post on the Chip Board dated 5-30-14:

FIND: Golden Bank Reno $5

Golden Bank $5 Reno.  Total quantity 180. I do not know the condition of the chips in the box, though i do see most chips have decent edges.  However the condition of the hot stamps are unknown.   I think this chip was a R-9 c&W.  Not sure if i got this pic from ebay or somewhere else. The date saved of the pic was 8-4-14.  I'll need to check my notes at home.